19th Annual Invitational was a wet & wild time!
The tournament started off with a bang, when I arrived at the course in the morning to find the tent had blown down in the middle of the night! After scrambling to get the tent back up, we were able to begin golfing a little after 10. We only 12 golfers back out due to rain, the rest persevered in the wet & cold!
From all of the years I have had the tournament, this was certainly the wettest!
The golf was fantastic as my crew did an excellent job making the course incredibley manicured. My partner Bryce said, "This is the most lush I have ever seen your greens!".
Congratulations to repeat Cow Moose champions Jennifer Lund & Deb Mudie!
And congratulatiobs to rookie winners of the Bull Moose championship Butch Rutschke & his son Dylan Rutschke.
To view pictures from this years tournament CLICK HERE