May 1, 2014
A Thursday Evening walk about the course with Vic & Toni-Lee...
Looks like Dorothy's garden is starting to sprout pretty little flowers! So exciting to see the blooming of life...
Victoria is the newly hired 'grounds keeper' at 'Moose Meadows Golf & Country'. Jason is taking her on a tour of the course for the first time in this pic.
Watch out.. it's a Moose on the Loose!
Looks like Dorothy's garden is starting to sprout pretty little flowers! So exciting to see the blooming of life...
April 26, 2014
A Saturday Evening walk about the course with Toni-Lee...
A Spring view from the 'Sasaktoon Tee' Box
Happy to see the greens... actually starting to turn green :)
Jason found this golf club in the bushes.. a lost & found from last years tournament?
A Spring view from the 'Sasaktoon Tee' Box
April 20, 2014
I took a walk through the course for the first time this year. Here are a few pictures that show the progress of things.
Can you see him? I haven't seen a Weasel around this area in over 30 years! I was quite surprised with this little fellow came right up!
Old farm equipment can be found in the trees along side the golf course. This one could be a potential future project for restoration!
As you can see, there is still plenty of ice out on Hazlett Lake. That hasn't stopped the birds & wildlife from landing in full force! The symphony of birds today was incredible.
Can you see him? I haven't seen a Weasel around this area in over 30 years! I was quite surprised with this little fellow came right up!